Executive Board
Co-Presidents | Haruka Takanuma and Liv Brumfield
Vice-President | Jason Kyler-Yano
Secretary | Andrea Hunt
Treasurer | Steve Lanning
Assistant Treasurer | Joan Cromwell
Board Members
Advocacy Committee Co-Chairs | Karen Dutton, Megan Brown
Classroom Support Committee Chair | Jennifer Stoner
Equity Committee Liaison | Morgan Pace Bolton
Cultural Committee Chair | Haruka Takanuma
Membership Committee Chair | Asta Garmon
Outreach Committee Chair | Derrak Richard
Rich Coffee Committee Chair | Jason Kyler-Yano
Special Events Committee Chair | Marisa Thyken
Super Green Team Committee Chair | Claire Frazier, Michelle Liebhardt
Advocacy Committee
The Advocacy Committee monitors school, district, and state education policies that affect our students and community. We seek to advocate for Richmond Elementary School through building partnerships and deep relationships with key leaders and decision makers. The committee hopes to build relationships with partner organizations that understand that schools are the hub of the community. Currently, the Advocacy Committee is monitoring the Board of Education meetings, partnering with Oya No Kai, and other PTAs across the city.
Classroom Support Committee
The Classroom Support Committee provides support for Richmond students and teachers. “Support” includes, but is not limited to, recruiting and training classroom representatives, providing an annual teacher stipend, assembling student comfort kits for emergency situations, and limited student need-based assistance.
Cultural Committee
The Cultural Committee supports and encourages the understanding of Japanese culture at Richmond through efforts that include hosting Japanese tea time for Japanese speaking families, suggesting and providing Japanese Hot Lunch by working with PPS Nutrition Service Department, organizing a Japanese New Year’s event, and helping Librarians to add proper Japanese books to the Richmond Library. In addition, we communicate and support Japanese teachers by organizing Japanese speaker volunteers, helping classroom cultural topics, and more upon teachers’ requests.
Rich Coffee Committee
The mission of the Rich Coffee Committee is to raise funds for capital improvements to and for the Richmond school environment. Expenditures are determined in collaboration with input from teachers, administrators and parents, with the guidance of the Rich Coffee Committee, to ensure that all Richmond students benefit equally from said expenditures.
Special Events Committee
The Special Events Committee coordinates vendors, activities and food for community events including the Ice Cream Social, Harvest Festival, Craft Fair, Family Movie Night and Spring Festival.
The mission of the committee is to enrich the Richmond experience for students and their families through activities that celebrate and bring together our school community.
Super Green Team
The objective of the Super Green Team is to enhance the learning experience of the children of Richmond Elementary School through: creating green spaces at the school that promote exploration and interaction with the natural environment; building resources available at the school for environmental education and science, raising awareness of health and environmental benefits of alternative forms of transportation, and fostering conservation through better “green” practices at the school.