Richmond 2015 Science Fair!

Richmond 2015 Science Fair

PTA is excited to be hosting another year of the fabulous Richmond Science Fair program!  Please bring all of your scientific creative energy to the Richmond Gymnasium on April 14th, 2015 from 6:30-8pm (check in for participants starts at 6:10).

There are several exciting opportunities for students to participate in this year.  Please print the online information/registration form and turn into room 110.  Please note:  Submissions are due by 3/31/14.

5. LIVING HISTORY –***Dress up and take on the character of your favorite scientist!***

We encourage partnerships and collaboration so if students want to join together and work on a project in groups of two or three that is encouraged! Please no oversized exhibits!  We have limited space and lots of interest.

Poster board will be available in the Mailroom (110) with a cost of $3.

This year all exhibits will be student-based.  Even if you don’t have time or inclination to do a project, please come see the wonderful exhibits and learn with us!  The students will be thrilled to tell you all about their work.

And of course, we welcome/need parents volunteers.  If you are interested in judging or helping on the day of the event, please contact Jody Lando  [email protected] for details and options.

Thank you and we hope to see you at this year’s Science Fair!
Jody Lando
Parent and Science Fair Coordinator for Richmond Elementary School