Happy New (School) Year!

Welcome back to another fabulous year at Richmond!

2013/14 marks the first year Richmond is operating at full student capacity. With 4 classrooms at every grade level, and two in PreK, our elementary JMP program is the largest and longest-­‐running language immersion program in the PPS district. This is no small accomplishment, and Richmond families should be proud.

This coming year PTA will sponsor a number of great events, activities and fundraisers. All of these happenings are designed with the PTA mission in mind -­‐ to foster the health and educational well-­‐being of every child in our school. It is the diversity and multitude of our community’s talents that make all the wonderful things at Richmond possible. Participating in these events is a wonderful opportunity to support your students, build new friendships, and have great fun while doing so. Please participate as fully as your schedules allow.

PLease consider joining the PTA.  As a member you are eligible to vote at PTA General Meetings, influencing how your PTA dollars are spent. Your membership also sends a message to teachers, administrators, other parents and your children, that you are paying attention to what happens at Richmond, and you care.

Richmond PTA looks forward to ushering in another great year, and fostering an exceptional experience for you and your children, through advocacy, friendship and cooperation. Happy New SCHOOL Year!

Amy Starr Thomas
Richmond PTA President, 2013-­‐14