General PTA Meeting – February 15, 2017 – 6:30pm

Love is in the air! Please join us the day after Valentine’s Day for the Richmond PTA Winter General Meeting.

The meeting will be held in the cafeteria on Wednesday, February 15th from 6:30 to 8:00pm. Childcare will be provided.

Here are just of few of the topics we’ll be covering (Click Here for the Full Agenda):

  • Smarter Balanced Testing (which assesses 3rd, 4th and 5th graders) by AP Krista Blovad
  • Field Improvement/Track: update and next steps
  • Special Oya No Kai presentation on the 8th Grade Research Residency Trip and the status of the JMP intern program.

Our featured topic will be a discussion about reallocating funds from our Run for Richmond spring fundraiser.

Last year the PTA Membership voted to allocate 50% of the funds raised by the 2016 Run for Richmond to the Richmond Foundation in order to support staffing needs at Richmond. We will discuss whether or not we again wish to allocate a portion of our Run for Richmond fundraising to the Foundation and if so at what level.

Note: any motion to change the current allocation of funds must be approved by vote, you must be a current PTA member to vote, and you must be present to vote. You can become a member at the meeting.