Read 4 Richmond

Read 4 Richmond

To kick-off this year’s “For the Love of Richmond: February Fun and Fundraising Events”, the PTA’s annual Read4Richmond will run January 31 – February 11, 2022! Any funds raised from this event will be used towards in-school programming to address the social-emotional needs of Richmond students.

The goal of Read4Richmond is simply encouraging students to have fun reading! It is managed through a dedicated website where your child can track their reading time, participate in reading challenges, earn badges, and easily request pledges from family and friends. ALL reading minutes count — audio books, independent reading, read alouds, etc! 

PTA の Read4Richmond もうすぐスタート、1月 31日〜2月11日 。この企画で集まった寄付金は、生徒達の対人感情・情緒に関するニーズに応える学校内プログラムに使われます。
