Richmond PTA Flash Fundraiser for Outdoor Covering

Pandemic Support – Outdoor Tent Donation

The Richmond PTA is asking for your support to make outdoor lunch – the safest option for our kids – possible throughout the rainy months of the year.

Lunchtime is the only time of day where our children, as well as teaching and other staff, spend time unmasked together. Currently, when conditions are too wet for lunch outdoors without cover, lunch is held inside, in classrooms and the cafeteria. Covered seating areas outside would make outdoor lunch a sustainable safer option.

Our goal is $10,000 by November 12th to be capped at $13,000. Any funds raised beyond $10,000 will go directly to the Fund for PPS which provides equitable supports for high-need schools; priority funding is given to schools with majority populations that are historically underserved and/or participate in the free lunch program. Together we can do it!

Please donate here!