Richmond Cares Week #2: Thank an Essential Worker

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Richmond Cares Week #2: Thank an Essential Worker
May 11-15, 2020

It is tough to stay at home and miss the things we love to do, but some people don’t have the option to stay home, because their jobs are necessary for our society to function. We call these people essential workers. Some essential workers in our community are:

Healthcare and public health workers
Police, firefighters and EMTs
Grocery workers
Farmers and agricultural workers
Water, gas and electrical workers
Bus drivers and MAX Transit workers
And many, many more…

Essential workers work hard to help our community, so that the rest of us can stay home and have the things we need.

Create a Yard/Window Sign

Chances are, there are many people who are essential workers that are living in your neighborhood and they probably pass your home on their way to work each day. A great way to lift their spirits is by making signs that let them know you care. Decorate your windows or put signs in your yard to let them know you appreciate them! Even some chalk artwork will show them you care.





Make Some Noise!

Portlanders all across the city are making some noise to thank essential workers. At 7pm each and every night, you can step outside your front door or window and cheer on our heroes by banging on pots and pans, clapping and cheering or shouting, “THANK YOU!” Feel free to use your outside voice on this one! Check out this news clip of people all around Portland making some noise.

Find a way to thank the essential workers in your neighborhood and let’s celebrate them as a community together. Use the hashtag #RichmondCares on social media, to share what you are doing to thank the essential workers in your neighborhood. Have fun!