Talking to Kids About Race and Racism – March 7th

If you can only come to one PTA General Meeting please consider making it to this one. Our next general PTA meeting on Wednesday, 3/7 will address the topic of how to talk to kids about race and racism. Racism need not be overt to do long-lasting harm to our children and our community. Although this may not be a comfortable discussion, it is a vital one and the first step on a longer journey.

Our invited speaker, Rashelle Chase Hibbard, is an early childhood education professional whose work focuses on anti-bias education, inclusionary practices and teacher preparation. Rashelle will cover at what ages/stages children develop awareness of differences; age appropriate ways to talk about race difference; and a high level over-view of anti-bias education and how families can use it in the home. In addition, our very own media specialist Chris Gustafson will be presenting a selection of books and other library resources that can help parents facilitate discussions about race and racism with their kids.

Meeting will be held in the Richmond Cafeteria from 6:30pm-8:00pm on Wednesday February 21st. All Richmond community members are invited to attend.Childcare will be provided by Grant High School students preparing to attend the Sapporo Summer Institute.

次回のPTA総会では、メンバーのリクエストにお応えして、人種と人種差別についての話があります。ゲストスピーカーにanti-bias education (偏見をなくすための教育)  に詳しいRashelle Chase さんをお迎えして、人種差別問題を家庭でどのように子供に話したら良いかを、子供の年齢や成長段階に合わせて教えていただきます。また、リッチモンドのライブラリアンの Chris Gustafson さんから人種や人種差別についての推薦図書を紹介していただきます。


Thank you, we’re looking forward to seeing you on the 21st!