Intern Program

As you know, Japanese interns are an integral part of the Japanese Immersion Program. In addition to aiding the Japanese teachers in the classroom, interns provide an additional benefit by allowing our children to hear two native Japanese speakers on a daily basis.
Interns actively participate in school and community events, Kurabu summer camp, and much more.

The Intern Program provides an enriched learning environment for our children and gives our community the opportunity to further our understanding of Japanese language and culture.

We have 19 CONFIRMED interns who are coming to Portland from the end of March, and we are requesting an immediate commitment for these interns.

We currently have 5 interns with no committed host families.  If we do not find families willing to support our program these interns will be turned away! Resulting in less Japanese support for your classrooms.

There is information about incoming interns (on the movable bulletin board at Richmond in front of the main office) so please stop by and take a look!

Oya No Kai intern Coordinator Yoko Niki-Breyfogle will also be present every morning between 7:45-8:15.  This will continue until all host families for all interns are found. Yoko can answer any questions you may have about hosting an intern.  You can also check the Oya No Kai website to get to know about the intern program and application forms:

You can contact Yoko via e-mail at [email protected]

Host an intern for 6 months:
from either March – October 2016 or October 2016 – March 2017

The two primary requirements of a host family are:
1. You live within a 1-hour bus ride of one of the three schools (Richmond, Mt. Tabor, or Grant) and
2. You have a separate bedroom for the intern. Bathrooms may be shared.

Thank you!