Ice Cream Social August 25

It’s time to welcome new and returning families for a great new school year: time for the Back-To-School Ice Cream Social, brought to you by Richmond administration and the Richmond PTA. Please save the date:

What: Back-To-School Ice Cream Social
When: Tuesday, August 25, 2014, from 4:00pm~6:00pm
Where: Richmond Elementary playground

As we do every year, we encourage you to BYOB&S — bring your own bowl & spoon — in our continued effort to be environmentally kind!

This year we are happy to partner with Salt and Straw for ice cream. Lots of new exciting flavors, but we will need to limit scoops to one per person.

Also, if you are able to help scoop ice cream, we need 8 volunteers that day (4 scoopers x 2 shifts). The scooping shifts will be from 3:45~5:00 and from 5:00~6:15pm. Please reply to Kate Fleming at [email protected] if you can help. Thank you!

Come meet your teachers, staff, and fellow families! Class lists will also be on display at the event, so you can see who your kids’ classmates will be.

We look forward to seeing you there!